About Sam

Sam Berriman(MA Oxon) has had to deal with many personal traumas in her life. She has experienced many forms of therapy after having been diagnosed with PTSD following a medical incident which led to a near-death experience. She was referred on from CBT to a PTSD specialist. Sam had over 48 weeks of counselling and therapy including EFT, EMDR and hypnotherapy, none of which helped. A friend suggested BWRT® and her life was changed within 20 minutes.

Since then Sam has changed her life completely; a qualified and experienced teacher of French and Spanish, she has trained as a BWRT® therapist, Psychosexual Sexual therapist and Hypnotherapist and specialises in helping young people, with whom she has over 20 years experience through her teaching.

She has lived and worked in France for many years but now resides in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three dogs. She has two grown-up children, a daughter and a son.