• What is BWRT?

    BWRT® – BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® – is a new model of psychology and psychopathology that fits comfortably with current thinking on neuroscience. Developed by Terence Watts in 2011 after 35,000 hours of experience working with clients, it is determinedly solution-focused and evidence-based, thus fulfils the requirements of modern therapies.

    The truly exciting thing about BWRT is that it works directly in that 'cognitive gap' before conscious awareness. So where more standard therapies will be seeking to access the anxiety-triggering amygdala via conscious processes, BWRT works from the other end of the scale - in the very early brain before the amygdala has even received the message!

    “It's fast, effective, and long-lasting - usually permanent - and doesn't require the client to tap, pinch, breathe in a special way, operate an anchor, trigger or any other form of post-therapy device. It just works.”

  • How does it work?

    BWRT® uses a simple technique, to create a response pattern to any stimulus so that the action the brain triggers desirable.

    The therapy is totally content free so that you don’t have to tell me about deeply sensitive, emotive or intimate issues, making therapy far easier to conduct in a wide variety of situations.

  • How long is a session?

    A session usually lasts an hour. The first session can take up to 2 hours.

  • How much does it cost?

    £70 per session.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    The number of sessions each person needs is unique to each individual dependent on their needs. For BWRT®, it is between 1 and 4 sessions for any single issue.

  • What is Hypnotherapy and how does it work?

    Hypnotherapy is a very deep form of relaxation.

    Once you are in that deep form of relaxation you can focus on the issue more deeply than you would ordinarily.

    Hypnotherapy, is often used in conjunction with other forms of therapy if it is deemed helpful for your unique issue.